About Stepping Stones School

Stepping Stones is a school where children with mild disabilities / hemiplegia can really thrive and fulfil their potential. We believe in providng the children with a caring, fun environment where they can truly benefit from a bespoke curriculum, technologically innovative teaching practices and the chance to grow and develop into confident, independent young men and women.

We understand the difficulties and care about the challenges that a young person with disabilities faces. We want their time at Stepping Stones to be one where they grow both academically and socially.

Recent News:
Roddy Caxton-Spencer takes part in the Polar Race 2007

roddy caxton-spencer logo Total Objects and COINS have sponsored Roddy Caxton-Spencer so that he can participate in the Polar Race 2007 and raise funds for Stepping Stones School. Keep an eye on his progress here ..

more news...




Submitted by Jonathan Furness on Sun, 2006-02-19 03:10.


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