"Stretched To The Limit" !!!


On the 23rd February, a Personal Trainer from the
David Lloyd Leisure Centre called Dan Roberts, who has Cerebral Palsy came in to talk with the students about how he coped with Cerebral Palsy in his childhood, his adolescent years , and eventually his adulthood, and also how he overcame it, and proved everyone wrong, by becoming a fitness instructor.

He had came in to teach the students some new stretches and exercise routines, instead of their usual gym session

The students seemed to have a great time,

"It was GREAT !!!"

said Amy, a student at Stepping Stones School

"He was an inspiration"

quoted Dan, who is also a student at Stepping Stones School

Submitted by Daniel on Thu, 2006-02-23 16:02.
Submitted by visitor on Thu, 2006-05-18 11:31.

Wow - Dan Roberts sounds pretty amazing. I love hearing stories like that - so much of what we can or can't do is in our heads isn't it? I need to remind myself of that everyday and I have no so-called 'disabilities'.

This website is great - I get a bit lost sometimes in it, but it's packed with energy and life. I relaly need to bookmark it.....