Website Development


This page acts as a todo list of up and coming tasks yet to be completed on this website.

1. Eliminate SPAM comments on the site

2. Include information about sponsors

3. Include information about the provision, what Stepping Stones offers

4. Better navigation

5. Deploy page editing tool, TinyMCE

6. Look at menu structure

7. Include another webcam

8. Make 'events' appear in chronological order

9. Promote Stepping Stones website. Use Google PageRank and PageIndex strategies

10. Capture people's feedback on the site, use feedback form

11. Upgrade site to 4.7.2

12. Consider changing site template for better compatibility

These are just some of the todo's that I have considered are needing to be developed, promoted on the site. Please add yours, by clicking the Add new comment button below.

Submitted by Jonathan Furness on Fri, 2006-06-02 02:16.
Submitted by Jonathan Furness on Fri, 2006-06-02 02:29.

In the past few weeks, many of you may have noticed that the Stepping Stones website has suffered from considerable SPAM attacks, where electronic systems are actively adding comments to the site, with links to their own products or services where possible.

Not only was this annoying and time-consuming, it also opened up the possibility of inappropriate material being posted on the site.

As of tonight, I have rectified this issue, but installing a CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart) system, forcing unregistered users (those without accounts) to complete a simple test, adding letters to the comment submission form.

Please be aware of this additional field, when submitting your comments.

Submitted by visitor on Fri, 2006-06-02 16:44.

Jonathan, would you like any help elimanating the threat of SPAM ,or upgrading the sites security ?

P.S did you see my game i created ?

Submitted by Jonathan Furness on Sat, 2006-06-03 10:58.

Hello Dan,

You will have noticed that I have now added a new field to the comment submission form. It requires you to add the characters as shown in the coloured box. This will eliminate the threat of SPAM messages because the computer automated process of submitting forms, can't be done if they can't read the characters which are in fact graphics.

Although this method adds an extra step for people to submit comments, it should stop SPAM postings.

Remember also, that no security breach allowed this to happen, this is purely the ability for an automated computer program to submit comments to webpages, just like we do as humans. This means there are no holes to patch either... thankfully.

I'd like to involve you in helping to maintain the site more... for instances, keeping on top of the regular updates for the site software which appear at