

Stepping Stones School provides a specialist education for children with hemiplegia, covering both the Primary and Secondary curriculum. The Primary unit (for pupils aged between 7 and 11) will open in September 2008 and will offer a full, bespoke curriculum including provision for all therapy needs.

A Secondary unit (pupils between 11 and 16 year old) is already well established and the pupils have made excellent progress so far. Several pupils have chosen to take examinations a year earlier than what is normal in a mainstream environment. One pupil achieved Grade A in ICT, and this now enables him to concentrate more of his time on the remaining GCSE syllabus.

Parents seeking advice about their child’s provision, but who are not proposing to look for admission to the school, are, nonetheless, invited to contact the Headteacher. There is also a link to this advice service on the HemiHelp website.




A parent talks about how Stepping Stones School has
transformed her daughter's education.

If you are interested in a place for your son or daughter to attend Stepping Stones, please contact Neil Clark, the Headteacher, who would be glad to invite you for an informal chat and tour of the school.

Submitted by Jonathan Furness on Mon, 2007-12-03 14:34.


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