Pupils complete their first hiking expedition as they work towards DofE and ASC programmes

Recently, students at Stepping Stones School have started working towards their Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Bronze award and Adventure Service Challenge (ASC) awards.

One of the sections of this award requires students to carry out an expedition. On Thursday 21st June, five students and three members of staff travelled into the Haslemere countryside, walking up a steady gradient that is well respected as Tennyson country. Our initial destination was a place called the Temple of the Winds, where we had lunch close by. All the walkers opted to continue the second leg, towards Valewood Farmhouse.

As the photographs show, they students took the opportunity to learn as much as they could from the experience, from navigating, to cooking and studying wildlife.

This is, the first of many expeditions as the students progress through the award scheme.

Take a look at photographs from the day.

Submitted by Jonathan Furness on Tue, 2007-06-26 18:03.


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