Submitted by visitor on Thu, 2007-02-22 20:47.

Some thoughtful work guys ,well done.
I'm back in the United States ( New York,Dallas,Houston) so time for another challenge.Good answers will be rewarded with (small) American gift.
Jess....How many states in the United States of America.Name 10 of them with one sentence on each of the 10 on why they are unique.
Amie....Name 4 of the biggest rivers ,10 states they flow through and 4 cities built on these rivers.One paragraph on each of these cities would be good.
Amy.....Name the two oceans either side of the USA and the countries bordering it to the north and south.Name the 5 Great Lakes.Two paragraphs each about those countries to the north and south of the USA.
Dom.....Name 4 museums in New City with a couple of paragraphs on each
Dan.....What do they do on Wall Street? Who are Goldman Sachs? What do they do?
Good luck....let me know if I need to go shopping
regards Larry


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