Submitted by visitor on Mon, 2006-07-31 21:24.

Hello to everyone, we have now settled in to our new house and have eventually found the time to reply to all your lovely comments. Sorry it has taken soooo long....

A big thankyou to everyone for all my beautiful gifts and caring words. I would like to thank all the parents and students and to let you know that I will be in touch soon and I do apologise if I didn't get to say a proper goodbye to some of you could see it was all a little emotional !!!

I would also like to say a HUGE big thankyou to all the staff for my wonderful 'book' it will always be very precious to me. It was a pleasure working with you all and hopefully some day our paths may cross again !!!

I WILL stay in touch, and will be visiting Stepping stones in the new term
and if you are considering the MOONWALK for next year....put me down for a place !!!

Have a great summer everyone....take care

Julie x


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