Horseriding at Liphook gives pupils more to 'ride' home about...

On Tuesday 11th July, an enormously proud set of parents and staff looked on as the pupils performed their newfound skills and abilities in horseriding at the RDA centre in Liphook.

A range of skills were demonstrated, from walking to trotting, weaving with the horse under control using the reigns, and jumping.

As a finale, the pupils demonstrated 'Round the World' which demands pupils remain on horseback, yet turn a complete 360 degrees whilst still sitting on the saddle.

Pupils at Stepping Stones school have had weekly visits to the RDA centre in Liphook and forms an integrated part of their Physical Education curriculum. The pupils have the opportunity to continue riding in September when they begin working towards a certificate in dressage.

We were all greatly impressed by the confidence and enjoyment shown by the pupils. Well done all!

more photographs here....

Submitted by Jonathan Furness on Wed, 2006-07-12 02:00.


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