ICT provision


The school is well equipped with a range of state-of-the-art Apple Macintosh computers. The pupils each have an Apple iBook computer, loaded with some of the most creative applications available.

Pupils use the laptops in school and take them home, where they can continue learning in their own time.




iMovie software for creating digital videos has been used extensively across many of the subjects taught at Stepping Stones. Although "film" is a form of literacy, we use film to record or present what the pupils have learnt in Science, Mathematics, History and in extra-curricula activities, such as Sailing and Horse-riding.

Here are some examples:

One of our students, Amy, produced this Sailability video for an audience of potential sponsors at a Sailability AGM.

Daniel recorded and edited this film depicting the Day in the Life of a Football.


Comic Life

Comic Life allows our students to present their creative work in new and interesting ways. Intended as a tool for generating Comics, our students have found alternative uses for the tool.



Games are an important part of a child's development and we use games to develop problem solving and strategy skills. Of course, we play board games as well as those based on the computer although the opportunities to play collaboratively outside of school is widened through Internet gaming.

Age of Mythology and Rise of Nations are the pupils' current favourites.

Submitted by Jonathan Furness on Mon, 2006-06-26 17:48.


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