Mothers and Toddlers group take part in the Big Toddle

Stepping Stones Mother and Toddler Group have joined the Big Toddle to support Barnado's and their local community. In 2006 the charity is hoping to raise over £1million from the event, to help disadvantaged children under 5 - helping to give every child the chance to play.

On Thursday 22 June over 10 tiny tods will toddle around half-mile course with their friends, parents and carers. The fun starts at 11:00 and it will take place at Alice Holt. The event will finished with a picnic for all those involved.

If you want further information or would like to sponsor our toddlers please contact Maria Mateo on 07896 226 296 or at

For further details of Barnado's Big Toddle, please visit

Submitted by Jonathan Furness on Tue, 2006-05-30 22:47.


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