Cinema Club: Herbie Fully Loaded


Comments on the film, Herbie Fully Loaded

Submitted by Jonathan Furness on Sun, 2006-05-14 20:20.
Submitted by visitor on Fri, 2006-05-26 21:27.

We really enjoyed Herbie fully loaded Holly thought i really liked that herbie had human qualities Iliked the bit were herbie had winked at the guy ...

From Amy and Holly

Submitted by visitor on Sat, 2006-05-27 11:45.

Hi Amy & Holly,

I have not seen the film before, please can I have a little more info?



Submitted by visitor on Sat, 2006-05-27 11:53.

A girl called Maggie buys a car called HERBIE. He's very different to other cars and Maggie dosen't know wether or not she wants to keep him or not.
She then enters races. She wins one aganist a really famous racer. She can't tell her Father because her Mother used to race and died in one so he is VERY protective. She agrees to rerace the man and has a bet the person who loses has to give up their car. She loses, but then realises how important Herbie is to her and gets him back! She enters the most important race and wins it with style and is the first woman to win it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Jonathan Furness on Sat, 2006-05-27 14:08.

Hello Amy, Holly,

Thank you for sharing your reflections and review of the film 'Herbie Fully Loaded' here. I have moved your comments to a new page which is directly related to film. You can find this page by going to the Cinema Club page, and following the film review links on the right hand side.

When you have decided which film you will watch on Sunday, another page should be created to encourage people to comment on the film and submit their film reviews.

Amy, see if you can create a page, like this one. I can help you add the picture of the DVD cover, or maybe Dan can help?

Submitted by visitor on Sun, 2006-05-28 20:33.

Hello Jonathan,
You missed a great film it was great , we watch Dick and Jane it was great fun 9 people showed up i think its nine anyway .

See you soon Can you help me .

Amy x

Submitted by Jonathan Furness on Mon, 2006-05-29 20:14.

Hello Amy,

I love being a part of the cinema club, it is good fun playing badminton, football outside, table football inside and lots more.

Well done for organising this one. I will be at the next one, I am sure.

Between now and the 11th June, which is the next date for cinema club, you will need to do several things.

1. Write an email to current and new members of the cinema club advising them of the next date, 11th June. This can be done now.

2. Choose 10 films, (perhaps from a DVD rental store) and work with Dan to put these online in a voting tool. Could you do that before Wednesday? Look for the latest film releases,

3. Email everyone about 2 days before the 11th (so that is then 9th!!) to remind them of the cinema club and confirm whether they are attending :-)

Well done Amy, nine is a good number. Perhaps ask your friends to invite a friend next time? Your choice :-)

I have created a page for you, Dan and Dom to write a review of Dick and Jane. Dick and Jane film review

Submitted by visitor on Sat, 2006-06-03 11:18.

I think film reviews are a great idea Jonathan, thank you. :-) It might help us choose our Popcorn Club films too.