The excitement is in-tents !


Pupils continued working through their training programme in both the Adventure Service Challenge Award and Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme today.

You might say the excitement was in-tents (!) as pupils learnt how to pitch a 2 / 3 man dome tent in the garden of Stepping Stones School. Pupils split into two teams, one group pitching a reasonably robust expedition tent compared to a freebie tent that came as part of an offer. The pupils used this to compare the features of both, judging the quality of each and the suitability for purpose.

Claire Greenwood supported this activity with her many years experience in hiking and camping in the outdoors, running events for organisations such as the CARE Challenges. Jonathan's extensive scouting experience as a Scout Leader, gave pupils insight into some of the issues relating to youngsters sleeping outdoors.

Pupils were keen to spend an evening camping outdoors in the school garden as a way of getting used to being outside and sleeping in a tent.

Jessica opens up the front door.


Jessica discovers toilets aren't one of the features!


Dominic and Jessica feel 'at home' quite quickly.

Submitted by Jonathan Furness on Thu, 2007-05-24 16:45.